Tuesday 21 April 2009

Dead or alive?

Blogging is dead, it's become chic to say. I don't know what that means. Certainly, blogging as we understand it today has a sell-by date. What doesn't? In a sense, everything tech is dead on arrival.

I don't blog as often as I feel I should. Partly because I feel like I'm lobbing ideas into the void -- I haven't done the work required to build an audience for these ramblings. Meanwhile, I also wonder if it's irresponsible to put more bytes into the world's datastream. After all, bytes are supported by plastic boxes and copper wires and electricity. Is silence more green?

Then again, the more ideas we share, the more we learn from one another, and that's got to be a good thing.

And sharing ideas, in whatever form, is very much alive. Unstoppably alive.

1 comment:

  1. Compared to the environmental cost of your perpetual airfare, the bits are free. Keep writing. Not only does it elicit a response, which might provoke a new idea... but it also helps you clarify your own thoughts.
