Friday 27 February 2009

out of body

As I recent purchaser of an iPhone, I've noticed something slightly disturbing about it, and me.

It takes me out of my body, out of the moment, and pulls me into a seductive and slippery otherworld.

The smooth shiny touchscreen is like Alice's looking glass. A simple stroke pulls me into a set of surreal experiences that have nothing to do with my material, physical presence.

It's hard to stay present, in my body, in the moment, when right there in the palm of my hand is a portal into a shiny world of friends and tweets and, perhaps most addictive of all, Bejeweled, which is the crack of all mobile games.

I will need to cultivate some self discipline. Perhaps shorter battery life is not a bad thing.


  1. I was at a social media networking event last night (yikes) and noticed that the majority of the crowd - including me - had an iphone. It made me nostalgic for Nokia - having a killer Nseries phone would have differentiated me.

    But really what struck me was that no one was really networking. Everyone was staring down at their phone, presumably Twittering about being at a networking event. "Hey, at the social media event with @blahdeblah - she's standing right next to me."

    Was a bit disconcerting.

    So I know what you mean about being pulled into the otherworld. It's a strong, and scary pull.


  2. Exactly. It's funny, Nokia have a very real opportunity to create stuff that keeps you in the very real world.
